Neck Fat & Neck Waddle 2017-01-05T18:21:07-08:00

Neck Fat & Neck Waddle

A common complaint, even in people who are a normal and healthy weight

A “double chin” or excessive submental fullness is a common complaint, even in people who are a normal and healthy weight. Excessive fullness under then chin can be seen with weight gain or as the result of genetics or aging.

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At SkinfitMD, Belkyra is the treatment of choice for this condition. It offers a non-surgical option for people with excessive submental fullness who do not want to have a more invasive liposuction procedure or are not appropriate candidates for it.
Dr. Hong was one of the original investigators in the original ATX-001 trials, the name given to Belkyra prior to it being approved by Health Canada. In the US, the same treatment is known as Kybella. Dr. Hong had been using this treatment prior to it being available in 2016 and is experienced in its use.


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