Scarring 2017-01-05T18:23:46-08:00


Keloid, Hypertrophic and Acne Scars

Some scarring of the skin can cause mild self-consciousness, while others – such as acne scars – can be devastating. If you have been disappointed with scar creams and other home remedies, it may be time to consider a more successful scar treatment option.

Book your appointment today
Any injury to the skin can cause the formation of scar tissue, which consists of irregular collagen fibres. Scarring can be caused by many different types of skin trauma, including:

  • Acne
  • Accidents
  • Burns
  • Disease
  • Surgery

Scars vary greatly in colour, size and shape. Scarring also comes in different types, which will direct what type of treatment is utilized. For example most acne scars are indentations in the skin (‘pitted’), while a keloid scar has grown larger than the affected area.

While some individuals resort to surgical scar removal, we have a few non-surgical scar treatments for you to consider:

  • Dermal Fillers
  • Fraxel re:store and Fraxel re:pair lasers
  • Chemical Peeling
Dr. Hong at SkinFitMD in Surrey, BC, is highly experienced in scar treatment. As an acne specialist in the Fraser Valley, Dr. Hong has treated many of his patients for acne scarring. No matter what type of scarring concern you may have, we will do our best to help.

Contact us for a scar treatment consultation.


Start your journey today towards a more youthful, radiant you.